Issue #040
Make-Up Artist Magazine

Issue 040 December/January 2002

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In this issue:

Diary of a Mad Department Head by Todd McIntosh

Make-Up Artist magazine publishes Todd McIntosh's notes fom his time as department head on tv's Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Though McIntosh admits there are many ways to run a department, these are his ideas on what works and what doesn't.

Saving the Best for Last: A look at end-of-the year releases with significant make-up

The make-up low-down on some of the best and highest budgeted films of the year's end. Films include sequels to Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and The Santa Claus as well as some major newcomers like the musical, Chicago.

Sharon Gault 

Writer Shannon Levy gets to the bottom of how hair-colorist-turned-make-up artist Sharon Gault earned herself the nickname "Mama Make-up" and became a celebrity in her own right.

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