Issue 010 December/January 1997
Three Time Oscar Winner: Ve Neill
Ve Neill has had a varied and interesting career. Ve runs the make-up department of the biggest make-up shows in Hollywood. She has applied make-ups designed by Rick Baker, Stan Winston, and Greg Cannom. Some of the most beautiful women in show business, such as Julia Roberts and Uma Thurman, have had the benefit of Ve’s expertise. We caught up with the three-time Oscar winner at her North Hollywood home to talk to her about DNA, Native American antiques, and yes, we did discuss make-up.
Local 706 60th Anniversary
On November 2 1997, Local 706 celebrated its sixtieth anniversary. MA is there to help them celebrate. Learn a bit about the history of 706 and find out who was honored in this issue of Make-Up Artist Magazine.
Contact Lenses
Contact lenses are a powerful tool that a make-up artist can use in designing character. Today virtually any kind of design and paint scheme can be achieved on a contact lens. Yet some make-up artists are apprehensive to use lenses, even though the character would be greatly enhanced. MA addresses some fears about contact lenses and shares with you how you can make them work for you as a make-up artist. Contacts can be our friends.
Gerry Quist: Jackal of all Trades
Gerry Quist explains how he created the six different make-ups for Bruce Willis in The Jackal. Gerry’s idea was a “grab bag” of looks Willis could choose from each day. Learn how he created these looks with no tests and very little prep time in an interesting article about this Jackal of all trades.